Going Out of Order...for a Good Cause!
ChristWise Lesson 12 is a study about Spiritual Gifts. Conveniently, we finished our study of the Great Controversy a couple of Sabbaths back. So for last Sabbath and at least this upcoming Sabbath, we will jump ahead to Lesson 12 - Spiritual Gifts. Let's work together to prime our youth to join in on July 9's Spiritual Gifts Seminar with E. W. Dempsey!
That said, here's what I called this team huddle for--
- I'll study the Spiritual Gifts lesson with them in Sabbath School. I get that with VBS going on, studying with your kids in the evening is a little tall of an order at the moment.
- At home, please include your young'ns on your Spiritual Gifts Seminar "pre-work" of reading the Bible book of Acts and the Ellen White book of Acts' Pentecost and Gifts of the Spirit chapters. I also have a spiritual gifts survey from the ChristWise curriculum that I may step the youth through, as it may be a more age-appropriate survey.